Hazel spotted this in a local charity shop the other day and bought it for me. She was attracted by the sleeve and I can see why. I usually dismiss these Spanish EP's as they are usually souvenirs from holidays in the 60's and very dull flamenco and this is no exception accept for a nice rhumba track "El Porompompero".
Babelfish translation from official Manolo Escobar site-
"Manolo Field of broom married the 10 of December of the 1,959 with Ana Marx, in the Church of San Michael of Colony. Neither it knew to speak the language of the other, and the wedding was celebrated in German and French. The fiancèe and the padrino, their father, following a German tradition, went to the church in a white float thrown by four white horses. The banquet was celebrated in a restaurant property of the parents of Anita. Previously, to 9 in the morning, the civil ceremony had been celebrated. The padrino of the connection was a young Spanish student, friend of Manolo, that also for of interpreter. The young person, something nervous surely, had to translate a phrase that said: "are here you you stop to marry". But what in fact he translated he was: "you Are married". Obvious, Manolo answered that no, which caused the considerable surprise between the assistants, mainly of the fiancèe and their parents. Luckyly, the ambiguity was clarified to the moment, and everything was in an anecdote. Manolo did mili in Larache (Morocco), that in first years 50 still was Spanish protectorate. He was destined in the Establishment of Equine Young and Flat Repair of the Greater one of Larache. It was a consomme' rider, as it demonstrated in the film "the guerrillas"."
Manolo Escobar - Ave maria No Morro
Manolo Escobar - Te Canto Con Mis Guitarras
Manolo Escobar - El Porompompero
Manolo Escobar - El Primer Bautizo
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