Thursday, August 27, 2009

Laughing Songs

I was reminded of some great laughing songs the other day whilst browsing the Music Makes Me blog and finding some amusing novelty 78's.
I compiled 2 CD's worth a few years back for my own amusement and here are few of the older crackly ones that I have found over the years.
I think the very first laughing song was on a wax cylinder in about 1895 but some of these are from the 20's and 30's. Charles penrose who was responsibel for many including the much played "Laughing Policeman" which used to haunt the Children's Favourites radio show of my youth is included her with one of his lesser known chortling ditties.

Spoofums - You've Got To Laugh

Sidney Bechet - Laughing In Rythym

Jelly Roll Morton - Hyena Stomp

Woody Herman Orch. - Laughing Boy Blues

Charles Penrose - Laugh, And You Feel Grand


  1. Wow! The combination of jazz and laughter is brilliant! There's a concept album here, I'm sure of it!

  2. You forgot Stop Yer Ticklin Jock that you posted a while back!

  3. Ben Gunn6:51 PM

    Any chance of posting the rest of your 2-CD compilations please?


  4. If I can find them and If I get time I will Ben but don't hold your breath!
